Friday, June 11, 2010

Completely sold out.

I sometimes wonder what it looks like to be completely sold out for God. A few years ago I was sent an article about two men who decided to leave everything they loved and had and be sold into modern day slavery so that they could bring Jesus to those who were slaves. What struck me was that it wasn't a one year experience, there was no 911, or back-up plan if they decided to change their mind. They were putting their lives at risk, they were willingly taking on hardship and suffering, and they were doing it for the rest of their earthly lives. This type of commitment and dedication to what they believe in blows my mind.

I mean, I think it’s a rough day if the weather is over 80, the air conditioner won’t work, and I have multiple discipline issues in my class. I thought it was a rough day when I decided to give up diet Pepsi for the 40 days of lent, when my trainer told me to do 20 minutes of sprints after a really tough workout, or when I had to wait 15 minutes in line at the grocery store. I can’t even begin to imagine willingly becoming a slave so that I could use my life and words as a witness to those who are forced into the same situation.

I think these men are a good example of what sold out for God can look like. I think that I have let society sell me it’s version of sold out, which frankly is not denying myself or taking up my cross, but rather complaining and grumbling through any “hardship” or “calamity” that comes my way. Which leads me to the question; am I really ready to be sold out for God?

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